Laney College

SLOs Links and Documents

SLOs Links and Documents


Student Learning Outcomes

Assessing Student Learning in Community Colleges
A link to the entire online training manual written by Janet Fulks at Bakersfield College. You can read each section online and there is also the option of downloading each section as a printable document.

Course Outline SLO Addendum Form

Domains for SLOs

A list of active verbs from Bloom’s Taxonomy that can be used when writing SLOs. These verbs are sorted into three different learning domains (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective). For each domain, the verbs are sorted further from lower-level to higher-level skills. This document is from the workbook by Janet Fulks.

Domains for SLOs

Same as above in pdf format.

Examples of SLOs

These SLOs are taken from a variety of sources. The sources are noted in the document.

Examples of SLOs

Same as above in pdf format.

How to Write SLOs

PowerPoint presentation that explains how to write SLOs for courses and programs. Also includes things to watch out for.

How to Write Student Learning Outcomes

How to Write Student Learning Outcomes

SLO vs Objectives

This is an excerpt from “Assessing Student Learning in Community Colleges” by Janet Fulks. It describes the differences between course goals, objectives, and student learning outcomes.

SLO vs Objectives

Same as above in pdf format.

Writing SLOs Checklist

Writing SLOs checklist

Writing Student Learning Outcomes Worksheet

Writing Student Learning Outcomes Worksheet